Thursday, June 07, 2007

Medication and Me

I hate being on meds for anything. I really don't like being on meds for mental illness. It feels like a failure somehow. My doc changed my prescription, adding in something to keep the ADD (see bellow) down. She said that there may be "some anxiety".

My brain feels like it has stepped back 5 months, to when I was really shattered. Fuckn' meds. I just want to be better. I want to not be afraid to go outside.

I will be better. I hope.

Time will tell.


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Anonymous said...

Don't knock meds too quickly...we've all been on them at one time or another, and they help. Meds aren't prescribed for "moral support;" they're prescribed for a chemical imbalance, and they fix it. A chemical imbalance doesn't just "disappear" either - it's a lifestyle accomodation. The stigma associated with them has been created by an uneducated society, and the only way to get over that stigma is to achieve understanding that there is nothing wrong with trying to help yourself. No failure. If anything, you'd be a failure to ignore the problem and do nothing, right? Hang in there! I'm thinking of both you and Sandra!