Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dragon Talking

My last post was composed using Dragon Naturally Speaking. It is the easiest words have flown out with me on to paper or computer ever. It was an interesting experience, and I like it. Please let me know what you think.

Monday, February 26, 2007

There be Monsters

I am forever surprised at the nature of the human monster. I am surprised by the kind of things that people can do to other people. Whether they were documented historically, from Roman times, or during World War II or the things that happened to my wife.

Most recently, and most frighteningly, my wife had a flashback while walking the dogs the other day. When we were three houses away from home. She very nearly could no longer walk due to the strength of her flashback. In bygone eras, these symptoms would merely be labelled as crazy. And she would be expected to get on with her life. In our more enlightened time, she is getting the support she needs from councillors, from work and from family. And I'm grateful for the support.

However, in spite of all this help, she still has difficulties, some three years after beginning treatment. And while what happened to her may not compare with what happened to others during World War II or during the Roman era, what happened to her was bad enough. It makes me angry that a life can be stolen with such ease. The world continues to turn. My anger and pain will not change that. Patience remains my most difficult virtue to practice.